Friday, October 29, 2010

Republicans Want Change

Since America was promised hope, and we feel hope is not what we have gotten from President Obama, the Republicans want change. Republicans want to take back the gavel and try to force Obama to have new working relationships with the GOP. The main thing Republicans are working on is making sure that Obama is a one term president. . The five ways that the election will change are the GOP will step in is number one. The GOP needs to take over so that way we can work together and most of the nation can get what we want in terms of change for laws that have been put in place that majority of the country doesn’t agree with.  The next one would be that the Republicans are going to try and change a few of the laws that Obama has put into place, like the health care law. I would say that the US is very much so half and half on the health care reform bill. Half likes that Obama passed the bill and the other half are very upset. I, for one think that people should have a choice in if they want to have health insurance or not. We should not force  Americans to have health care if they don’t want it. If the Obama wants people to have it that bad, then he can pay for people to have it.  After that, federal spending is out of control. The Republicans plan to cut the budget down by $100 billion. They are not quite sure how yet how this will happen. They plan to shrink the government, which could mean tax increases. I think they should try to do as much as they can to prevent the tax hike.  Investigating the way the money is spent like bailouts, the stimulus bill and the health care reform. We need to quit bailing people out who already have money and bail the people out who are less fortunate. And last but not least we need to revise the education system and make sure that it is up to par on everything.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First-Round Victory on Health Reform

This article talks about how a law firm in Michigan filed a law suit stating that they don't think that Congress should have powers to require people have health insurance. A judge disagreed and sided with the Obama administration and said that they would rather them pay for healthcare now than later. My thoughts on the First-Round Victory on Health Reform are that I have mixed thoughts on it. I don't think that Congress should have the power to make everyone carry health insurance. Although I do think that the people incurring the costs for their health issues should be paying their own bills. I don't think that doctors, hospitals, or taxpayers should be paying for the uninsured. I think that the people who want health insurance should be able to afford it and get health insurance. The people who don't have insurance are using Medicaid, which there is nothing wrong with that. Reason being is that when I had my first child, he was on Medicaid until I got a job that had health insurance I could get him on. People should have a choice on whether they want health insurance or not. To force it upon them is wrong in my opinion.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Community Colleges are the "Hidden Gems"

Education is the key to success. This is pounded into our heads from the time we start school. If you want a better job that makes a lot of money, make sure you have a college degree. Without a degree, you can only make it so far unless you know quite a bit about the field you want to work in. Today, Obama called the community colleges in the U.S. the "Unsung Heroes." Jill Biden called community colleges "one of America's best kept secrets." More and more people are going to community colleges because the cost is not as high as a university. The U.S. has fallen behind other nations in the number of college graduates. Two years ago, my son was very sick on Thanksgiving Day and he had a horrible cough. I called the doctors office and they told me to take him to the ER because he was breathing too fast. He already has asthma and we had already treated him for it, but his breathing was still too fast. So we took him to the ER and found out that he had croup. While they treated him for croup, I was talking to the nurse about wanting to be a nurse myself and going to school for it. She told me that I should go and get my CNA (Certified Nurse Aide) certification and then apply to a hospital for a Patient Care Tech. So I took her advice and looked on the Austin Community College's website and for the CNA certification class. It is a Continuing Education class. So last year I signed up for this class and was very successful in the class. Obama has set a goal for to increase the number of certificates and community college degrees by 5 million in the next decade. In my opinion, I think community college's are great for people who want a degree or certification. I think that Austin Community College is more hands on and that what I love about it.