Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First-Round Victory on Health Reform

This article talks about how a law firm in Michigan filed a law suit stating that they don't think that Congress should have powers to require people have health insurance. A judge disagreed and sided with the Obama administration and said that they would rather them pay for healthcare now than later. My thoughts on the First-Round Victory on Health Reform are that I have mixed thoughts on it. I don't think that Congress should have the power to make everyone carry health insurance. Although I do think that the people incurring the costs for their health issues should be paying their own bills. I don't think that doctors, hospitals, or taxpayers should be paying for the uninsured. I think that the people who want health insurance should be able to afford it and get health insurance. The people who don't have insurance are using Medicaid, which there is nothing wrong with that. Reason being is that when I had my first child, he was on Medicaid until I got a job that had health insurance I could get him on. People should have a choice on whether they want health insurance or not. To force it upon them is wrong in my opinion.

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