Friday, October 29, 2010

Republicans Want Change

Since America was promised hope, and we feel hope is not what we have gotten from President Obama, the Republicans want change. Republicans want to take back the gavel and try to force Obama to have new working relationships with the GOP. The main thing Republicans are working on is making sure that Obama is a one term president. . The five ways that the election will change are the GOP will step in is number one. The GOP needs to take over so that way we can work together and most of the nation can get what we want in terms of change for laws that have been put in place that majority of the country doesn’t agree with.  The next one would be that the Republicans are going to try and change a few of the laws that Obama has put into place, like the health care law. I would say that the US is very much so half and half on the health care reform bill. Half likes that Obama passed the bill and the other half are very upset. I, for one think that people should have a choice in if they want to have health insurance or not. We should not force  Americans to have health care if they don’t want it. If the Obama wants people to have it that bad, then he can pay for people to have it.  After that, federal spending is out of control. The Republicans plan to cut the budget down by $100 billion. They are not quite sure how yet how this will happen. They plan to shrink the government, which could mean tax increases. I think they should try to do as much as they can to prevent the tax hike.  Investigating the way the money is spent like bailouts, the stimulus bill and the health care reform. We need to quit bailing people out who already have money and bail the people out who are less fortunate. And last but not least we need to revise the education system and make sure that it is up to par on everything.

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